The Purple Star Award

Do You Have A Learning Disability? Or Do You Support Someone Who Does?

We have the Purple Star Award (click here to learn more)

This means that we try and offer all the reasonable adjustments someone with a learning disability needs for us to be able to meet all their health needs.

Get a PURPLE FOLDER (new folder released in 2023)

Have you had your annual health check?

If you are 14 years or over and have a diagnosed learning disability, you are eligible for an annual health check. If you are unsure if you have had this, please contact the surgery and we can check for you.

Before your annual health check, we will ask you to complete a health check questionnaire. If you prefer, you can ask a family, friend or carer to help you with this. Alternatively, one of our Care Co-ordinators can also help you with this. 

Preparation Form for your Annual Health Check

Your annual health check includes a review of your blood pressure check, height, weight and an overall review of your physical and mental health. We will also review of any medication you take to check if you still need it and if it is the right amount. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about these checks as we may be able to help make you feel more comfortable. We have included a copy below of what the questionnaire looks like for your annual health check.

Easy Read Documents

Learning Disabilities My Health Information EASY READ

Preparing for a Healthy Adulthood Document

Learning Disability Community Nurses





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Contact the Care Coordinators using this online Form

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Health Professionals

The collaborative Annual Health Check process is work in progress – we need to know what works and what doesn’t, as well as any ideas for adaption so we can get it right for you. It doesn’t matter how critical (or positive), we would really value your feedback, please take 3 minutes to complet the form and let us know which surgery you are from, thank you.